Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ethan starts Kindy

We have been leading up to this moment every day since Grace started school at CCA.  Ethan threw a tantrum in the hall of the school the first day we dropped Grace off to her new class.  He was so upset he couldn't stay and go to school, too.  Needless to say, I will remind him of that day when he says he's tired of going to school sometime in his teens.  Anyway . . . Every day he would ask where Grace was and if he could go to school.  Really. No exaggeration.  Finally, we are here.  He was so excited when he got up this morning and he couldn't wait to get his new school uniform on.  As he was putting his shirt on, he said, "Wow, this is just like Gracie's."  He loves his big sister.  We headed off to school and, as we were pulling in, he exclaimed, "This is my school, too, now!".  I dropped him at his classroom.  He didn't care he didn't say "Goodbye".  He was ready to get busy in his classroom.  I headed upstairs to await the ceremony.  As it started, lightbulbs flashing from all the proud parents' picture taking, each of the 4 new kindy classes marched in.  Ethan's was the last class.  He looked so cute filing in behind all the little Koreans, sticking out like a sore thumb with his blonde hair.  It was great.  Tomorrow is his first full day.  What will I do with my time?

View the video of his class marching in:!/video/video.php?v=1299542146195

Ethan sitting with his class.  He is just above the lady's back that is kneeling next to the kids.

Ethan and his teacher.

Ethan super excited about his school uniform

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