Thursday, December 2, 2010

Another Thanksgiving In Korea

Thanksgiving came and went this year, hardly noticed. Since it is, of course, not celebrated in Korea, one easily forgets it is on the calendar. This year it happened just like that. Chris was working at a conference and it was business as usual on the home front. However, it was not until the following Sunday when our church had a Thanksgiving fellowship lunch that we were reminded of how international our community really is. Our church has people from so many nations around the world. So, it was at the end of the food line when the young lady next to me said, "What's that?" She pointed to the pie on the table. My first thought was, "Is she kidding?" But then I remembered that she is from South Africa. This is her first Thanksgiving meal. I simply responded, "Pumpkin Pie. It's delicious!" She said she thought she would pass because it didn't sound good. So funny! Chris had some of his students ask him what one of the items on their plates were when the school served a Thanksgiving lunch. Chris said, "Green beans." It's funny when we look at traditional foods and we find they aren't so traditional for other people.


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